Saving The Kingdom

It hurts.
It hurts so bad.
As I lay in my own puddle of dark, crimson blood, basically torn to shreds, I can feel the life practically seeping from my body.
I know how it came to this, it's just that I wish I would've done something to change the inevitable. This outcome... it could've been so different. But no, I didn't think much of it at the time. I was so dim, in retrospect, so blind. I see very clearly now, but all that fills my vision is the disgustingly dull red of the inside of my eyelids. Even when I open my eyes, I see the same thing.
And I can only manage to oust silent words from my lips as I see the tall, gawking figure strut over towards me.
"... Why?" I breathe, not trusting my voice to produce any more sounds after that part was spoken.
"Because while high, you jumped in front of car thinking it was a dragon and yelled, "I'll save my kingdom!", you dumbass."